Citrus, Avocado and Radish Salad

We love our citrus fruit here in Andalucía.  Our lemon tree, after 3 years, now keeps us well provided in lemons all year round.  We have planted 3 orange trees too, so in a year or two, we´ll be enjoying our own oranges.

In the meantime, we rely on the kindness of friends and neighbours who keep us well supplied in oranges from about November to March, which is when Andalucía is lit up in the colour orange.  Fields of orange trees are a delight to the eye, and so too are the city streets lined with the trees of bitter oranges which are destined for England and its world famous Orange Marmalade.  But more of marmalade another day.

I was inspired by a stunning recipe from Sawsan over at Chef in Disguise for a beautiful orange and avocado salad. Grilled fish was on the menu for lunch, but sadly I have no idea what it is called in English.  As it´s a fairly oily fish, I thought that the tangy flavours of a citrus salad would complement the fish perfectly.  I was right!

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 1 large pink grapefruit and 1 large orange peeled and cut into bite sized chunks
  • 1 ripe avocado peeled and cubed
  • Radish – our radishes here are HUGE so I only used one finely sliced, but use however much you like (or not)
  • Dressing:  any juices that run off the fruit as you peel them plus a teaspoon of lemon juice, the juice of an orange and twice the volume (of the citrus juices) of olive oil, a pinch of sugar if your orange is sour, half a teaspoon of mustard powder, a grind of pepper and a pinch of salt.

Mix up the salad ingredients gently or layer onto a plate.  Mix the dressing ingredients in a jar, taste and adjust seasoning if necessary and pour over the salad.  Any remaining dressing can be stored in the fridge for use another time.

So pretty, so tasty, and so good for you.

67 thoughts on “Citrus, Avocado and Radish Salad

  1. Ooooh, these are my favorite kind of salads. And accompanied by grilled fish? Mmmmmmm. This sounds like a terrific meal to make on a nice sunny day. I’m bookmarking it. 😉

  2. It looks so pretty, and must taste wonderful too. I’ve just seen a lemon tree covered in fruit when I was out this morning, and several orange trees – we don’t have as many as you have in Andalucia but they do light up their sheltered corners!

  3. What a beautiful fresh salad! DELICIOUS! The fish looks fantastic too – what a brilliant meal Tanya. Glad to know you have so many lemons for when I come and visit – I like LOTS of lemon with my G & T!
    🙂 Mandy xo

  4. What a beautiful winter salad…I’m not a huge grapefruit fan, but I like it with avacado. Wish I had some winyter radishes in the garden – this would have been the perfect year for them!

    1. Big Man doesn´t like grapefruit either, but he liked it with the avocado as the sweetness of that went well with the tartness of the fruit….or you could just leave it out!

  5. Oh Tanya, you turn me lime green with envy every time you mention your lemon trees – and soon you’ll have oranges too! Truly though, it’s a happy kind of envy – I love picturing you there among all that good and colorful fruit – everything about that picture so right! 🙂 And your salad looks absolutely heavenly!

    1. We are lucky to have this lovely seasonal fruit, although I do sometimes find myself craving a crisp British apple or something totally tropical and unseasonal. I know I shouldn´t though 😦

  6. What a beautiful meal!! So healthy and colorful!! I’d not think to add radishes with the fruit – very clever!! And I love the pairing of this salad with the fish, which by the way looks soo good too!

  7. Yeah! Tell me about it… I was looking at the photo, thinking “what is that, a big slice of apple?” and then you said it was radish. That is enormous!!! Damn, I’d love to be able to get my hands on radishes that size… I’d eat it like an apple 😀

    Great looking salad – lovely and fresh, crunchy and light!

    1. The radishes are grown by one of the old boys round here and they are different to English ones – either the size of carrots or like small apples. Not as peppery as the ones we know, but still very good!

  8. Your salad looks really tasty, Tanya! How fortunate that your lemon tree is doing so well and soon you’ll say the same for your orange trees! I know what you mean about not knowing the English names for fish. I remember my family cooking a variety of fish and Zia cannot recall — or never knew — the English names. Unless I find an Italian fish monger, I guess I’ll never know. 😦

  9. I do love the flavors of your salad and can’t wait to try it. I wish I could get your sour oranges here in New Hampshire. I had a Seville orange tree in our yard when we lived in Florida and enjoyed using the oranges in a lot of my recipes.

  10. I’ve always loved citrus and avocado together, and the addition of the radishes here would be just the perfect bit of peppery spice and crunch to complement the two others further. Beautiful!

I love to hear what you think, please leave me a comment!